Mikey claimes he was abducted by extraterrestrials, subjected to various split-brain experiments and probably infected with alien DNA.

Compulsive clairaudience.

- guitars and lead guitars -

"Tighter than Ass"

Peat went crazy while working in a metronome manufacturing company. His specialization was the fine-tuning of high speed metronomes.

Dysrhythmic disorder.

- drums -

"Faster than Metronome"

Pedro Pe suffers from nightmares of falling frogs and excruciating hallucinations of swimming in a swamp.

Frog-lirium tremens.
(mental frog shaking disturbance)

- lead guitars -

"Havier than Metal"

Daddy was found naked in the Kalahari desert accompanied by a pack of hyenas. He claims they taught him proper psychedelic screams.

Vox fistula persistance.

- bass and vocals -

"Louder than Motörhead"

J. G. Lopez, M.D., New Balls City, State Asylum
Entry: 2013-06-06, Thursday, 7.30 AM
Observation remarks on subjects: Mikey, Peat, Pedro Pe and Daddy

Subjects´ unrelated daily activities exhibited patterns of a common endeavour. This obnoxious art performance somehow distantly related to ball and roll.

Hypothesis: Pretended madness.

Additional examinatio recommended.